Borehole Pumps

Here you can see our borehole pumps catalog.
A borehole pump is used to extract water for domestic/industrial use from a hole in the ground. Boreholes are narrow shafts drilled vertically into the ground to allow the pumping of water from below ground.

The holes are made using a drilling rig that creates a borehole with specific dimensions so that the borehole pump can fit through with very little clearance on all sides.

4” Borehole pumps are usually installed in 10m to 200m deep well and are the only water supply available in many rural areas in UK. It can be easily understood how important it is to have a quality pump installed, when you install a submersible pump you should not move it for many many years. It is always recommended to select a professional submersible pump, a submersible pump produced by a specialized company and not only rebranded as most products in the market. Here at Peel Pumps we selected ZDS Pump Innovation because it is a company that entirely produces its hydraulic and motors in Italy in its factory under its control. This is the only way to guarantee the quality of the product, the quality of such an important product. It is also important to select the right product for your application, Total Head and max flow are always elements to keep into consideration when selecting a borehole pump

How to select the correct borehole pump for your application? Click here

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